Sunday, March 7, 2010


“Universe” to me also means ‘onesong’ – uni_verse directly translates to one_song, where every note is in harmony, with itself and with one another, there are really no flaws. By ‘note’ I mean, one the ‘Form’ and other, the ‘Formless’

Every thing is energy. Nothing is solid. Everything vibrates at its own level of reality, and while form appears to be solid, a microscopic examination would reveal that the solid object is actually alive with dancing molecules vibrating at a little less than the speed of light and thus appearing us to be solid. Energy is the very stuff of the universe, and thoughts are a part of that ‘stuff’.
If time does not exist, then 1953 and 2010 are essentially the same thing. The future does not exist at all, what really does is the working unit of our lives, which is now. You cannot fail at being yourself. You can only produce results.

The invisible connection between all members of a species is more verifiable now than it was a few years ago. Physicists describe it as ‘phase transition’. Scientists report that when atoms within a molecule align in a certain way and a critical mass number is reached, the rest of the atoms spontaneously line up the same way. The entire history of the Human Being is filled with war and disorder. Do you support the divisions that have become a part of this being’s history, or can you be one voice affecting the voice next to you and so on, until we reach that critical mass where the entire being will align itself with the harmony that is the onesong? Regardless of where any of us is on this globe, given a world that is round, it is impossible to choose up sides. Each of us can make a difference in how the totality proceeds and exists.

There are 3 levels of consciousness: Dreaming consciousness, Waking consciousness and a higher level of consciousness. We are convinced that the body is real, yet everything that we experience in the dream is entirely in the realm of thought. There is no physical reality, it is an illusion, we realize when we awaken. We spend approx a third of our lives sleeping and a large percentage of our sleep time in dream activity that is pure formless thought which seems very real before we awaken. What is a nocturnal emission? nothing but the ejaculation of the protoplasm of life. Pure thought creating the opportunity for the dance of life. Quite an amazing process in the fabulously mysterious world of pure formlessness, of thought. As Thoreau said
“Our truest life is when we are in our dreams awake” – we are waking dreamers!

Thoughts cannot be broken up into neat little compartments. Only the tiniest aspect of us is ‘form’. The secret lies in an attempt to think globally and act locally. This is what the healing process is all about.
Really, the journey and the goal are the same! We are never going to be formed. We will never reach an ultimate goal. Life is transition and growth. Paradoxically, we can realize all our goals in this perspective of oneness.
Since the major part of our living is in the astral dimension of thought, things are of no use in this state of formlessness. Just as nothing in our universe is ever formed, neither are ‘we’.

Everything that we are against, blocks us from abundance. If we are against terrorism and war, we become a part of the problem. The solution lies in not being ‘against terrorism’ but ‘for peace’. We are a duality of form and formlessness. In essence we can never own anyone or anything, so the easier we can ‘let go’, fewer are the obstacles for our life journey. The ability to be detached from all things and people and yet see ourselves as a part of the whole humanity is one of the greatest paradoxes of the spiritual journey.
When we are not trying to win, but just allowing the action to flow totally in the moment, making our contest more like our meditation, we emerge winners in harmony with our body n mind. This is another paradox. If we think about winning and are attached to it, we lower our ability to function at the level that winning demands. This happens because an attachment to winning almost always goes hand in hand with a need to ‘Fight’ our opponents. Ultimately fighting weakens, while harmony strengthens and empowers. As we transcend attachments we learn to shift our consciousness to networking, giving power away and we discover the metaphysical luxury of living peacefully and productively.

There is some kind of mysterious connection that exists between our thoughts and the neuromuscular activity of our bodies. When we dance, why do our feet move perfectly in response to a thought which tells them to move? What is this...a connection?
Mental energy directs muscular energy. Mental energy is thought. Therefore thought is some kind of a connection between a desire and a physical outcome. I accept this automatic stimulus-response connection as a way of life and believe that there is a connection between the formless and the world of form.

Now this makes me ponder more. What is memory? Memory is nothing more than thoughts. So where are those dimensionless thoughts stored, in order for us to recall them? People believe that memory is stored in the brain, yet the brain is a container the size of a grapefruit. It is form. Can you store thoughts, which are formless, in a container which is form? Ofcourse not. So what is memory and where is it if it is not stored in the brain?
Experiencing our universal spirituality requires entering another dimension of being, where beginnings, endings and storage places are unnecessary. In some eastern traditions, this higher dimension is called Tao, which translates to ‘the unfolding’. It has been said that ‘the Tao that is described, is not the Tao’. This is because form, in words, whether spoken or written, describes the experience.
If memory (thoughts) cannot be stored in our brain, then we have to be open to the possibility that they are outside the brain in some way. The mysterious happenings that seem so inexplicable are nothing but thoughts meeting thoughts. If there are invisible connections between thoughts and form, then why not between thoughts and thoughts as well? And if thoughts do indeed meet with other thoughts, and we are the source of thoughts, then it seems possible that we create synchronistic situations - ‘Coincidence’.
Synchronicity is not a passive speculative principle. It is here, it works, and we are a part of it. Believe it or not, see it or not. We do not need a formula to tell us that there is a connection between thought and everything that we do. This amorphous formless stuff called thought is out there and in there at the same time. It is everywhere.
Energy? Perhaps.
A resonance? Perhaps.
A chain link of morphogenetic fields? Perhaps.
Invisible? Definitely!
Something from which we can never escape? Definitely!
Just try ‘not thinking’ for some minutes and you will see that thought is something that you are inextricably tied in to.

Nothing is random. Even electrons, supposedly the paragons of unpredictability, are tame and obsequious little creatures that rush around at the speed of light, going precisely where they are supposed to go. Yet there is a wonderful anarchy of free will. If nothing is random, how can there be free will? Well nothing is predetermined; it is determined, or was determined, or will be determined. Time however can be easily overcome; not by chasing the light, but by standing back far enough to see it all at once. The universe is still and complete. Subatomic particles seem to know instantaneously what decisions are made elsewhere, which can be as far away as another galaxy. All the things in our universe (including us) that appear to exist independently are actually parts of one all-encompassing organic pattern.
For a particle here to know what is going on over there, while it is happening,, it must be over there. If over there, it cannot be here. If at both places at once, then it is no longer a particle. This means that particles are related with other particles in a systematic and intimate way that coincides with our definition of organic.

There are certain principles working within us to keep us alive and functioning, such as salivation, digestion, elimination etc. so also principles of abundance, synchronicity, detachment and oneness are operative in the universe. All we have to do is to tune in to them and let them work through us. Since we are energy, and everything else in the universe is also energy, all we have to do is keep it flowing with out blockages. When you send it out, it will keep coming back.